South Sudan
The Republic of South Sudan, with an estimated population of 11.9 million people by end of 2020, is one of the world’s poorest countries despite its estimated net worth of massive oil reserves.

© VSF Germany
South Sudan 2020 in Numbers
active projects
treated animals
trained Community Animal Health Workers
The unprecedented floods and the entry of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 brought the prolonging humanitarian crisis in the country to a new high. Out of a population of 11.7 million people, 7.46 million were estimated to be in need of humanitarian support. Politically, the revitalized peace process progressed to fruition in 2020 with the formation of the Government of National Unity. Localized inter-ethnic conflicts and pockets of rebellion remained the biggest threat to political stability and human security, besides being a hindrance to humanitarian operations.
Humanitarian & Development Needs addressed
South Sudan is characterized as a chronic emergency with complex and protracted humanitarian crisis and ranked by UNDP as one of the poorest in the world, positioned at 185 out of 189 countries and territories. VSF Germany has, with the support of its donors, addressed various humanitarian needs in areas of coverage in the country. Key humanitarian needs identified and responded to were mostly linked to protracted conflict (intra and inter-communal) that caused displacement of communities and human security risks, food insecurity, climate related and other disasters. This especially included massive flooding that destroyed crops, many household’s assets and displaced both human and livestock populations. Furthermore, the country has experienced a severe state of malnutrition, inadequate access to water for domestic use and kitchen gardening and adequate hygiene and sanitation. Moreover, there has been a number of livestock disease epidemics, including zoonotic diseases, limited access to agricultural inputs, extension services and markets, high levels of unemployment among the youth, protection concerns for women and girls and institutional capacity gaps.

© VSF Germany

© VSF Germany
VSF Germany’s Response
In an effort to build resilience and support rehabilitation and recovery efforts, VSF Germany has addressed the needs through the support of peace building campaigns, initiating community-based peace building committees as well as engaging the community to identify potential conflict triggers. These efforts have culminated into deliberations on possible mitigation measures such as the development of migratory route maps. VSF Germany has continued to invest in DRR trainings against the harsh effects of the natural disasters through livestock emergency response programs as well as climatic SMART agricultural techniques such as the construction of hand dug wells and the promotion of ridge cultivation techniques. The One Health Concept was also promoted through enhancing a collaboration with the Ministry of Health to build on the knowledge and skills for public health promotion with a particular focus on Zoonotic Diseases and other public health concerns. VSF Germany was active in 6 out of 10 states, namely Lakes, Warrap, Jonglei, Upper Nile, Central and Eastern Equatoria.
Contact/ Country Director
Contact our VSF Germany Office in South Sudan
South Sudan Office
Hai Malakal Juba, Plot 74 Block AXIII off unity Road,
LandMark: Across UAP Equatoria Tower, alongside Cambridge Training Center & Opp Finance SS Ltd.
South Sudan