Our Partners

Summary of Implementing Partners

International NGO Parterns

Building on its partnerships from 2019, VSF Germany explored and set up additional partnerships in 2020. In Ethiopia, a working partnership was established with International Rescue Committee (IRC) for an EC funded project with VSF Germany as a sub-grantee. In South Sudan, VSF Germany partnered with Catholic Relief Services under the USAID funded Food for Peace Program while negotiations were commenced with IFAD in partnership with Save the Children International (SCI) and Action Africa Help International (AAH-I) for grants that are foreseen to be concluded in 2021. Overall, VSF Germany managed 27 active partnership agreements with 16 international and 11 national NGO partners either as a lead implementing agency or a sub-grantee in a consortium.

National NGO Parterns

National NGO partners are key pillars in VSF Germany’s program delivery strategy. Although they struggle with financial, managerial and compliance challenges, VSF  Germany strives to support them to enhance their operational capacities through partnership management modalities that facilitate sustainable resource and skills transfer to keep them afloat while delivering critical services to the beneficiaries in a very challenging context. VSF Germany believes that working in partnership with national NGOs whilst building capacities is the surest bet to achieve future sustainability in humanitarian operations in the longer term.


You would like to become a partner?
Get in touch with us.

Dr. Martin Barasa

Head of Programmes
