Boehringer Ingelheim and VSF Germany Join Forces to Eliminate Rabies in Kenya

Boehringer Ingelheim and Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Germany (VSF Germany) have joined forces to combat rabies in Kenya, focusing on Machakos County. Through comprehensive vaccination drives, community awareness campaigns, and educational initiatives in schools, this partnership aims to reduce rabies cases in both animals and humans. Boehringer Ingelheim is contributing Rabisin® vaccines and funding to support the efforts, while VSF Germany leads the program implementation alongside local stakeholders. Together, they are working towards the global goal of eliminating rabies-related human deaths by 2030, impacting over 375,000 people in local communities.

Two young veterinarian professionals explain the need to vaccinate dogs to a Kenyan woman at the side of the road.
Community awareness creation and vaccination
© VSF Germany

Boehringer Ingelheim, a global leader in the animal health industry, and Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Germany (VSF Germany) continue their successful collaboration and have recently signed an agreement support rabies elimination initiatives in Machakos County, Kenya. The project aims to reduce the prevalence and incidence of rabies through comprehensive dog and cat vaccination campaigns, community awareness initiatives, and educational engagements in schools. This collaboration is part of Boehringer Ingelheim’s Stop Rabies initiative which aims to contribute to elimination efforts and support communities most affected by rabies.

By combining community-based rabies surveillance, awareness raising and education on prevention and control measures with animal welfare, this joint effort will have a significant impact on public health in the area. This collaboration with Boehringer Ingelheim complements the rabies vaccination campaign activities that were launched in Machakos County in 2022 by VSF Germany under the BMZ funded One Health Regional Education Centre for Africa (OHRECA) project through partnership with International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).

VSF Germany’s role in rabies elimination in Kenya

VSF Germany, renowned for its expertise in animal health and welfare, plays a pivotal role in this initiative. Leveraging its extensive network, field experience, and technical know-how, it implements targeted interventions aimed at rabies prevention and control in Kenya, South Sudan, Uganda and Ethiopia. In Kenya, the initiatives have in the last 8 years invariably covered the informal settlements in Nairobi, Machakos, Narok and Kajiado Counties. By working closely with local communities, veterinarians and veterinary paraprofessionals, private partners, and relevant county government directorates of veterinary and public health, VSF Germany ensures that the strategies used are aligned to the Global and national strategies for the elimination of rabies related human deaths by the year 2030. “Our collaboration with Boehringer Ingelheim is a significant step towards a rabies-free status in Kenya. Together, we are making a lasting impact on the health and well-being of both people and animals,” said Dr Martin Barasa, Regional Head of Programs at VSF Germany during a Consultative Rabies Actors meeting held at ILRI Nairobi Campus with visiting BI Delegates in November 2023.

Core Pillars of the Collaboration
  1. Vaccine provision: The cornerstone of this partnership is the donation of Rabisin® vaccines by Boehringer Ingelheim. To date, 100,000 doses have already been donated by Boehringer Ingelheim to VSF Germany to support the vaccination campaigns in Machakos county for the year 2023-2024. Over the next three-year period, vaccination campaigns will be carried out in targeted hot spot areas to achieve at least 70% coverage of the dog population in Machakos county to assure the level of immunity required to break the risk of rabies transmission to humans and other animals; and eventually eliminate it.
  2. School awareness and education program: Educating the younger generation is crucial for the long-term success of rabies elimination. The partnership includes targeted educational programs in three schools, directly reaching around 1,300 students who will learn about rabies, its dangers, and preventive and control measures. Interactive sessions, educational materials (such as yoyos, stickers, folders, and posters), and activities are strategically designed with informative content to make learning engaging and impactful. The campaign not only educates school children but also uses them as ambassadors of rabies awareness, extending the message beyond the school environment into households and communities. School health clubs will be formed or strengthened and trained on rabies, receiving support for awareness creation both in and out of school. Through these children, the project is estimated to further reach 4,500 households (22,500 community members).
  3. Community awareness and education engagements: Community awareness is critical in the fight against rabies. VSF Germany, with the support of Boehringer Ingelheim, is leading extensive awareness campaigns to inform the public about rabies case definition, prevention, and control. These initiatives include seven community meetings, each with 200 community members, the distribution of educational materials (posters and brochures), local FM radio broadcasts, and engagement with local leaders to disseminate crucial information about rabies prevention, symptoms, and the importance of vaccination. These activities take place within local community structures like chiefs’ barazas, churches, mosques, markets, traditional events, and households. The program is reaching 375,000 people from 75,000 households with rabies awareness messages through community meetings, IEC materials (posters), and local FM radio.
  4. Targeted Vaccinations: Over the course of the agreement, targeted vaccination campaigns will be conducted. These campaigns focus on high-risk areas identified through epidemiological data and community consultations. The goal is to ensure that at least 70% of dogs and cats in the target areas, especially those in rural and peri-urban areas, are vaccinated. Veterinary teams will set up mobile clinics, organize mass vaccination events to reach as many dogs as possible and conduct door-to-door mop up vaccination drives. Additionally, deworming and treatment services will be provided to the dogs and cats. VSF Germany will enhance the surveillance and reporting system by updating all vaccinations done on the Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC) App.
Expected Outcomes
  • Reduction in Rabies Incidence and prevalence: A substantial decrease in rabies cases among both humans and animals
  • Enhanced Community Awareness: Communities becoming well-informed about rabies prevention and control measures
  • Improved Health and Welfare of Dogs: Enhancing the overall health and welfare of dogs through comprehensive care and disease prevention strategies.
  • Improved Surveillance and Reporting System: Strengthening the rabies surveillance and reporting infrastructure to ensure timely and accurate data collection and response.
Stakeholders Involved

The success of this initiative hinges on the collaboration of multiple stakeholders. Key players include:

  • Boehringer Ingelheim: Providing vaccines, funding and technical support.
  • VSF Germany: Leading the implementation of the program.
  • Local Communities: Engaging in awareness and vaccination efforts.
  • County Government Directorates (Veterinary Services, Health, Public Health and Education)ooffering coordination and technical support and facilitating access to target areas.
  • Schools and Educators: Integrating rabies education into the school calendar.
  • Veterinary Professionals: Conducting rabies vaccinations and providing expertise in vaccination and treatment.
  • Local administration and community leaders – facilitating community mobilization and entry
Dr Martin Barasa about to vaccinate a bunch of white puppies during World Rabies Day 2024.
Dr Martin Barasa (VSF Germany) about to vaccinate puppies during World Rabies Day 2024.